Free walking tour of Downtown Montréal and the underground city

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Downtown Montréal Above & Beneath

Free visit presented thanks to the support of Montréal centre-ville


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People of Montréal and tourists alike, experience or reexperience the city’s downtown in a fun and unexpected way with the Downtown Montréal Above and Beneath walking tour. (Re)discover city centre from a multitude of perspectives, including its authentic, lively, and creative sides. It’s more than just a business or tourist destination!

This 2-hour walking tour is open to the public (reservations are mandatory), and will lead you through the streets of downtown Montréal as well as below ground through the RÉSO (Underground Pedestrian Network), the famous “underground city”. With your professional guide, explore the upper and lower levels of downtown, which  together make up the heart of Montréal and one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan areas of the city.

You will start exploring from the tourist information bureau (Infotouriste Centre) on Dorchester Square and end your journey near Time Out Market Montréal on St. Catherine Street West. The tour features historical and architectural content, anecdotes, all delivered in a light-hearted tone by your passionate guide.

Be sure to take part in this activity meant for all ages, which will be offered exclusively from June to September 2022. Whether you’re on your own, with friends, with your special someone, with family or with colleagues, we’re waiting for you!


IMPORTANT: A symbolic amount of $5 taxes included per person will be charged at the time of booking. The total amount will be reimbursed within 7 business days following your participation. However, this amount will not be refunded if you cancel or if you do not attend the tour.

This measure is intended to minimize cancellations and absenteeism during free activities with limited spaces that other people could have enjoyed. Tickets are non-exchangeable. Thank you for your understanding!

Reserve your free walking tour of Downtown Montréal

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